Master Keys Week 18 – Back in the game

I LOVE the new scroll!!! It’s so wonderful. Also, I’m back on track with my MKMMA duties/services/good stuff to do πŸ™‚ So I’m feeling quite great.

I really appreciate Scroll V. Today is my last day, so I’m not going to waste it – quite the contrary: I’ll drink every minute to its full! I haven’t quite gotten the knack of savouring every moment yet, but it’s coming! I love applying this scroll – it’s so much fun, and also so motivating. It encourages me to make sure to make time for my MKMMA stuff and not slack off – that’s one reason why I’ve gotten back on track this week.

It also helps me to be more loving. Because really, if I’m not going to be around tomorrow, then the minor everyday irritations are really just that – minor! BUT – the little good things – like taking the time to listen, or to spend a moment with someone, or a random “I love you” – those add up…those make a difference. If we die tomorrow our families won’t really remember how we irritated them, but how we took that extra second or two to smile, or engage in conversation instead of being busy with something else.

On Tuesday evening at about 5:45, I finished school. It had been a long day (as normal for a Tuesday). I had another scholarship application to work on, but my brain was rather tired, so I decided to take a 10-15 minute break. Now, usually, I would listen to some music and let my brain relax that way…but, since it was my last day on earth, I decided to go play Lincoln Logs with my little sister. We had a great 10 minutes together building a nice little Lincoln Log house with a cute fence, and when we were finished we both thanked each other for playing with each other. I enjoyed playing with her (I love Lincoln Logs too), and I was happy to have spent those 10 minutes with her doing something together. (Afterwards, I listened to one song and then got to work πŸ™‚ )

On another day, I was eating dinner with my dad and my sister. Often, when my dad doesn’t start a conversation and I’m really hungry, I just focus on eating and don’t really engage with him much. But…since it was my last day and all that, I initiated a conversation and kept it going. It was nothing really deep or important, but we got to talk a bit (and since I’ve been incredibly busy we haven’t had much quality time together recently), and it was nice.

So it’s been little things like those with my family, and of course being sure to take time for MKMMA stuff and not let it get pushed to the side with everything else I have going on…but also in my general attitude.

I was driving home on Wednesday and I was feeling somewhat down…slightly irritated…just not in the best mood. I was listening to the radio, but they weren’t playing many of the songs I like, and of course I didn’t want to take my attention off the road and switch the channels. So there was no music to get me feeling better 😦 “BUT,” I said to myself, “I’m supposed to be living as if this is my last day! – So why would I keep feeling down on my last day? Come on now!” Soooo…I had a GREAT idea. I turned the music all the way down…and began reciting my DMP. That. Was. So. Much. FUN! It’s pretty much memorized, but on the parts that I couldn’t remember the exact wording, I just improvised. And, after I finished, I just kept talking…I still had some driving left, so I figured I’d just keep talking about my wonderful life and how amazing and fulfilled I felt every day…etc etc etc. That was a lot of fun πŸ˜€ I was driving home today and I tried doing the same thing with my Blueprint Builder…but for some reason that didn’t work as well, so I just ended up repeating my one-sentence DMP a few times. Still great though – even more reason to enjoy my solo drives! πŸ™‚

Also! – I thought that reading obituaries would be depressing, but it’s actually kind of inspiring to read about these people and all the work that they did. For some reason being a high school coach doesn’t sound like a huge deal when you’re alive…if I asked someone what they did and they said, “Oh, I coach the JV soccer team.” I’d say “Ok” and not think too much about it. But reading about it in an obituary? It’s more like…”Whoa…the JV soccer team – think how many young lives they impacted and how many kids they worked with and inspired and taught discipline and maybe gave a love of this awesome sport?” There’s a line of a song by The Band Perry that comes to mind: “…funny when you’re dead how people start listenin'”.

But here’s another song that is great too:

I thought that at first it might be kind of morbid…but living as if this is the last day of my life is actually a lot of fun! – it makes everything more significant. All the important things – the ones that we know are important but are easy to push to the side – are more precious…and then unimportant things – the little squabbles, the distractions, etc…it’s easier for them to fade away. Living as if you’re dying really puts things into perspective. I know I’m going to love this month with this scroll!

13 thoughts on “Master Keys Week 18 – Back in the game

  1. I have found the same joy. A few minutes here before bedtime, or naptime, with my younger daughter, hugging my family members, it adds up in the grand scheme of things. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences this week with all of us. It inspires me to keep going.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Arielle, you’re back in a big way. What wonderful insight from someone so young. Thank you for all the wonderful examples. You are an incredible inspiration, I am sending the link of your post to my daughters.

    Liked by 1 person

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